IIS (internet information services)
This is very useful to learn to create your on web-site and see . I assumed that you have a system with running windows XP with Service Pack 2 professional . To install web server on your pc you need your windows xp installation disk , so it is ready with it.
Follow these step to one by one
1. Click on Start ----> Setting -------->Control Panel ------>
Add Remove Program
Add remove windows components
Tick on Internet Information Services (IIS)
Click on Next
Wait for complete the wizard.
Click on Finish.
Close Add / remove programs.
Close all open any other windows.
2. Right Clik on My Computer ---->Click on manage
now you check your web service is running or not.
above picture file marked with circle is show that iis service is running .
now you close all open windows.
Now create your own web page ad save as default.htm for testing you copy below text and opne notepad thane save it.
<h1> Test Web Page </h1>
<h1> Test Web Page </h1>
The default.htm file save to
Now your web page is publish on your local network.
To check it
open Internet explorer and in in address bar type your ip address prefix with http://
Your web page should be displayed.
Bahahah, have you heard of KassemG? The guy's a complete nut, he recently got fired for drinking on this job..here's his take on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_m8NUHLjBo
ReplyDeleteAre you really the owner of Creat your own IIS Web Server Tech Windows Tips, this is an amazing site! Congrats :). So I've been kind of following it for a while because I run a really similar website. A few days ago, a friend of mine (who runs like 500 sites, god!) suggested I check out: http://sn.im/tentimesincome because it had really impacted his earnings (he uses adsense and sells his own products). Jesus! The difference is like night and day, and I hate using cliches!! I was making about $136-$257 per day (not bad I guess) but for the last 2 days, my income has been OVER $500 and steady. Income times ten really lives to its name huh? Not only does it take you through the ropes but if you're more serious and looking to make a big impact in your lifestyle, it'll show you how to grow your empire. I'm not a salesman, I can't stand those guys :-). I honestly would not recommend anything I personally am not using to make money. If you don't at least check http://sn.im/tentimesincome you're missing out BIGtime. Cheers, and I hope you have an *awesome* rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteAre you really the owner of Creat your own IIS Web Server Tech Windows Tips, this is an amazing site! Congrats :). So I've been kind of following it for a while because I run a really similar website. A few days ago, a friend of mine (who runs like 500 sites, god!) suggested I check out: http://sn.im/2814ul because it had really impacted his earnings (he uses adsense and sells his own products). Jesus! The difference is like night and day, and I hate using cliches!! I was making about $136-$257 per day (not bad I guess) but for the last 2 days, my income has been OVER $500 and steady. Income times ten really lives to its name huh? Not only does it take you through the ropes but if you're more serious and looking to make a big impact in your lifestyle, it'll show you how to grow your empire. I'm not a salesman, I can't stand those guys :-). I honestly would not recommend anything I personally am not using to make money. If you don't at least check http://sn.im/2814ul you're missing out BIGtime. Cheers, and I hope you have an *awesome* rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteAre you really the owner of Creat your own IIS Web Server Tech Windows Tips, this is an amazing site! Congrats :). So I've been kind of following it for a while because I run a really similar website. A few days ago, a friend of mine (who runs like 500 sites, god!) suggested I check out: http://sn.im/incometimesten because it had really impacted his earnings (he uses adsense and sells his own products). Jesus! The difference is like night and day, and I hate using cliches!! I was making about $136-$257 per day (not bad I guess) but for the last 2 days, my income has been OVER $500 and steady. Income times ten really lives to its name huh? Not only does it take you through the ropes but if you're more serious and looking to make a big impact in your lifestyle, it'll show you how to grow your empire. I'm not a salesman, I can't stand those guys :-). I honestly would not recommend anything I personally am not using to make money. If you don't at least check http://sn.im/incometimesten you're missing out BIGtime. Cheers, and I hope you have an *awesome* rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteHey, I really hope you take a second to read this because you might be in trouble and I'm trying to raise awareness, no bull. Have you noticed that your browser is slow or it has random delays? Has your computer slowed down since you bought it (especially in the last few weeks)? Norton released an article of a new virus that's been running around and causing mayhem, called "LORD ganesh". You really wanna get that cleaned because it could put all of your important files at risk. I just checked my computer and I had 3 hidden trojans lurking in my boot sector. Scary stuff!! I cleaned them using: http://sn.im/speedupyourcomputer and my computer is definitely a LOT faster today than it has been for the last few months. I hope that helps, have a great day!