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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

my document folder opens on startup

my document folder opens on startup

My self and my friend ask me to give a solution on my document folder opens on startup . This is very odd but not given any other problem. This is very simple error in a windows XP registry . You can self rectified it.


2.Now navigate to the following key:-
HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Win­dows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

3. go to the value Userinit This value should read:


(The comma at the end must also be there)

4.If the value is different from that mentioned above then

Right Click on the Userinit value and  from the drop down menu ,  select Modify. Type in the value


in the Modify dialogue box click OK

5.Exit the Registry.Restart your computer.

Now your problem must be solved.

Disable USB Pen Drive / Disabel Mass Storage to Prevent Data Theft and Protect from External Worm-Virus Infection

Disable USB Pen Drive / Disabel Mass Storage to Prevent Data Theft and Protect from External Worm-Virus Infection

This is very important to protect your PC from External virus - worm infection to your system as well as theft of data from usb mass storage from common system. To do this you can simply SYSTEM BIOS and disable your USB device, But in this solution you are unable to connect any hardware on usb port.

To Disable only mass storage or pen drive go to

Start-------->Run-------> Regedit

on regedit

1. Navigate to the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UsbStor
2. In the right pane, double click on the Start value name.
3. Change the value data to 4 to disable the removable USB mass storage device drive access.


4. Change the value data to 3 to Enable the removable USB mass storage device drive access.

You can create a reg file to for you. Copy below text and open in a notepad then save as with extension .reg

-------Below Start to Disable USB--------------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



----Start Enable Usb Drive--------------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


----------------End ---------------------

Solved PC too musch slow / remove worm virus regsvr.exe

Solved remove worm virus regsvr.exe

When your computer  very very slow then open task manager .

To open Task Manager Press CTRL + ALt + Del

Service See bottom at cpu usage in % , If it is  98-100% then see which process take more cpu usage in list. It must be regsvr.exe

To remove this worm select the regsvr.exe process and click on end task.

no go to start -> run -> type egedit -> press Enter

Go on  the  in registry describe below with image HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and modify the entry Shell = “Explorer.exe regsvr.exe” to “Explorer.exe”


After modification in registry close and reboot the system.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

With JAVA how to multiplication and division

With JAVA how to multiplication and division

In Java
* mean multiplication and
/ mean division

Class MultiplyDivide {

public static void main (String args[]){

int i = 10;

int j = 2;

System.out.printIn("i is " + i);

System.out.printIn("i is " + j);

int k= i/j;

System.out.printIn("i/j is " + k);

int k= i*j;

System.out.printIn("i*j is " + k);




i is 10

j is 2

i/j is 5

i*j is 20

Monday, September 6, 2010

windows xp restart while shuting down

windows xp restart while shutting down or
restarts when shut down the computer

I have got the above problem occur due to some reason describe below and check one by one to solve this problem.

Reason 1:

In system BIOS setting wake-up lan is enable and your computer is connect on LAN.

Solution :

Unplug LAN cable connection from your computer and check this problem is solve or not.

Reason 2:
As per Microsoft this also happen when The Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.0 or Direct CD 5.0 program is installed on your computer.

Solution :
To resolve this issue, contact Roxio, or visit the following Roxio Web site to download and install the updated driver for Easy CD Creator 5.0 for Windows XP:

Reason 3:
When we shut down computer and some program including windows stop responding during shutting down process then windows restart inset ed of shutting down.

Solution :
1. On Desktop or Click the Start button
2. right-click My Computer
3. click Properties -----> click the Advanced tab
4. Under Startup and Recovery Frame click on Setting
5. Under System Failure frame , view the Automatically restart check box. If the Automatically restart check box is selected, Windows automatically restarts if the computer stops unexpectedly. Unchecked
this box.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Creat your own IIS Web Server

Creat your own Web Server

IIS (internet information services)

This is very useful to learn to create your on web-site and see .  I assumed that you have a system with  running windows XP with Service Pack 2 professional . To install web server on your pc you need your windows xp installation disk , so it is ready with it.

Follow these step to one by one

1. Click on Start ----> Setting -------->Control Panel ------>

Add Remove Program

Add remove windows components

Tick on  Internet Information Services (IIS)


Click on Next

Wait for complete the wizard.

Click on Finish.

Close Add / remove programs.

Close all open any other windows.

2. Right Clik on My Computer ---->Click on manage

iis_11 now you check your web service is running or not.


above picture file marked with circle is show that iis service is running .

now you close all open windows.

Now create your own web page  ad save as default.htm for testing you copy below text and opne notepad thane save it.

<h1> Test Web Page </h1>

The default.htm file save to


iis_13 Now your web page is publish on your local network.

To check it

open Internet explorer and in in address bar type your ip address  prefix with http://

Your web page should be displayed.