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Friday, October 1, 2010

MAC address: Media Access Control address

MAC address: Media Access Control address
Know your MAC Address
Find MAC Address

MAC address a unique number of each network product. MAC address is given to every Network device by its manufacturer. These numbers are give to manufacturer by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). MAC address according to the rules of one of three numbering name spaces managed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): MAC-48, EUI-48, and EUI-64. The IEEE claims trademarks on the names EUI-48 and EUI-64, in which EUI is an acronym for Extended Unique Identifier.MAC Address also known as Physical Adress.

To Know your MAC address:
type in BOX
c:\>ipconfig /all

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

my document folder opens on startup

my document folder opens on startup

My self and my friend ask me to give a solution on my document folder opens on startup . This is very odd but not given any other problem. This is very simple error in a windows XP registry . You can self rectified it.


2.Now navigate to the following key:-
HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Win­dows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

3. go to the value Userinit This value should read:


(The comma at the end must also be there)

4.If the value is different from that mentioned above then

Right Click on the Userinit value and  from the drop down menu ,  select Modify. Type in the value


in the Modify dialogue box click OK

5.Exit the Registry.Restart your computer.

Now your problem must be solved.

Disable USB Pen Drive / Disabel Mass Storage to Prevent Data Theft and Protect from External Worm-Virus Infection

Disable USB Pen Drive / Disabel Mass Storage to Prevent Data Theft and Protect from External Worm-Virus Infection

This is very important to protect your PC from External virus - worm infection to your system as well as theft of data from usb mass storage from common system. To do this you can simply SYSTEM BIOS and disable your USB device, But in this solution you are unable to connect any hardware on usb port.

To Disable only mass storage or pen drive go to

Start-------->Run-------> Regedit

on regedit

1. Navigate to the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UsbStor
2. In the right pane, double click on the Start value name.
3. Change the value data to 4 to disable the removable USB mass storage device drive access.


4. Change the value data to 3 to Enable the removable USB mass storage device drive access.

You can create a reg file to for you. Copy below text and open in a notepad then save as with extension .reg

-------Below Start to Disable USB--------------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



----Start Enable Usb Drive--------------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


----------------End ---------------------

Solved PC too musch slow / remove worm virus regsvr.exe

Solved remove worm virus regsvr.exe

When your computer  very very slow then open task manager .

To open Task Manager Press CTRL + ALt + Del

Service See bottom at cpu usage in % , If it is  98-100% then see which process take more cpu usage in list. It must be regsvr.exe

To remove this worm select the regsvr.exe process and click on end task.

no go to start -> run -> type egedit -> press Enter

Go on  the  in registry describe below with image HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and modify the entry Shell = “Explorer.exe regsvr.exe” to “Explorer.exe”


After modification in registry close and reboot the system.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

With JAVA how to multiplication and division

With JAVA how to multiplication and division

In Java
* mean multiplication and
/ mean division

Class MultiplyDivide {

public static void main (String args[]){

int i = 10;

int j = 2;

System.out.printIn("i is " + i);

System.out.printIn("i is " + j);

int k= i/j;

System.out.printIn("i/j is " + k);

int k= i*j;

System.out.printIn("i*j is " + k);




i is 10

j is 2

i/j is 5

i*j is 20

Monday, September 6, 2010

windows xp restart while shuting down

windows xp restart while shutting down or
restarts when shut down the computer

I have got the above problem occur due to some reason describe below and check one by one to solve this problem.

Reason 1:

In system BIOS setting wake-up lan is enable and your computer is connect on LAN.

Solution :

Unplug LAN cable connection from your computer and check this problem is solve or not.

Reason 2:
As per Microsoft this also happen when The Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.0 or Direct CD 5.0 program is installed on your computer.

Solution :
To resolve this issue, contact Roxio, or visit the following Roxio Web site to download and install the updated driver for Easy CD Creator 5.0 for Windows XP:

Reason 3:
When we shut down computer and some program including windows stop responding during shutting down process then windows restart inset ed of shutting down.

Solution :
1. On Desktop or Click the Start button
2. right-click My Computer
3. click Properties -----> click the Advanced tab
4. Under Startup and Recovery Frame click on Setting
5. Under System Failure frame , view the Automatically restart check box. If the Automatically restart check box is selected, Windows automatically restarts if the computer stops unexpectedly. Unchecked
this box.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Creat your own IIS Web Server

Creat your own Web Server

IIS (internet information services)

This is very useful to learn to create your on web-site and see .  I assumed that you have a system with  running windows XP with Service Pack 2 professional . To install web server on your pc you need your windows xp installation disk , so it is ready with it.

Follow these step to one by one

1. Click on Start ----> Setting -------->Control Panel ------>

Add Remove Program

Add remove windows components

Tick on  Internet Information Services (IIS)


Click on Next

Wait for complete the wizard.

Click on Finish.

Close Add / remove programs.

Close all open any other windows.

2. Right Clik on My Computer ---->Click on manage

iis_11 now you check your web service is running or not.


above picture file marked with circle is show that iis service is running .

now you close all open windows.

Now create your own web page  ad save as default.htm for testing you copy below text and opne notepad thane save it.

<h1> Test Web Page </h1>

The default.htm file save to


iis_13 Now your web page is publish on your local network.

To check it

open Internet explorer and in in address bar type your ip address  prefix with http://

Your web page should be displayed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

internet explorer has stopped working

internet explorer has stopped working
I have personally face above error on windows vista service pack 2 system IE8 . When I got this pop-up window error "internet explorer has stopped working vista" then finally I got the solution. Please do step by step when you face this problem.

go to Tool----> Internet Option then

First Solution :

go to Advance Tab

click on reset.


close browser . Then re-open it.

Second Solution:

Repeat first option then go to  "Programs" Tab

Explorer_error_2Click on Manage Add-ons

click ok

close Internet explore and reopen it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Learn Web Page Start with HTML -1st

HTML - HyperText Markup Language

HTML is not a programming language , it is a Hyper Text Markup language. It is normal text file but file extension must be htm or html only.HTML wirtten with pre-define "tags" surrounding by angle brackets.

For simple test , copy below text and save with a .html or .htm and open it.


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>

on above example first tag stand for start of html documents and stand for end of html documents.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to Change IP address in windows XP

How to Change IP address in windows XP

To change your system IP (Internet Protocol address ) in windows xp system

1. See left side of task bar (where you see time) .

2. There is a icon of local area connection (two nos of small monitor).

3. Right click on that icon and click on open network connection.


4.  One folder will be open.

5. right Click on Local Area Connection and click on Properties.


6. In a list item select TCP/IP and click on properties.


7. Fill your IP address and clioc on OK , OK and close .


Your IP has been now changed.

How to Enable Hibernate in windows XP

How Enable Hibernate in windows XP

Hibernate is a useful to fast shutdown your computer.

In normal shutdown process windows close all open program and temporary file . In Hibernate windows save all running process and temporary file on to the unused hard-disk space. When you next time on your pc or laptop windows  is read all saved information from disk . Now System is ready to use like before shutdown / hibernating.

To anabel Hibernate -

Go To

control Panel > Power Options > Click on Hibernate Tab

Check mark on Enable Hibernation.

Note : To do any hardware or software change do only normal shutdown process.

Make a effective project in windows vista

Make a effective project in windows vista.

windows vista and windows 7 come with a snipping tool it is very useful tool to capture your desktop screen with selection . This tool instantly capture the selected area and now you can save as picture file like jpg, bmp etc.

There is a tip to do in windows xp to capture a screen / capture desktop and make a picture file.

1.First you press "Print Screen" key on keyboard.                                                          2. Open paint brush

Where find Paint Brus in windows XP

3. Right Click on white page then click on paste

4. Now you can edit your image as per your requirement and save it.

I Welcome your all comments.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Windows Media Player 11 Installation without genuine validation check

Windows Media Player 11 Installation without genuine validation check.

This is a very nice trick to install WMP11 on windows xp system.

do below instruction step 1 by 1 to install wmp11 without genuine validation check or crack of windows .

1. Install winrar on any unzip utility on your system.

2. Download WMP11 from

3. Extract dowloaded file in a folder.

4. double click on  wmp11.exe  to run & restart windows.

5. run umdf.exe and wmfdist11.exe one by one then again restart windows.

6.  extract wmp11.exe in a other folder.

7 . in this folder you gate a update folder.

8. go to update folder.

9. run update.exe

now your windows xp computer is ready with wmp11.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

how to remove folder.exe, autorun.inf virus

how to remove folder.exe , autorun.if virus

on my best knowledge with experience you can install a small software called "Autorun Eater" and it is freeware from

for folder.exe you go to

click on download
click on freeware

download removal tool which is you required by you.

Next line update on 14/10/2010

Download a small removal utility below link

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ask to solve your problem free

Ask to solve your problem  free

When you ask :

1. Any PC problem .

2. Any Laptop problem.

3. OS  i.s any Windows problem

4. Hardware issue or suggestion

5. free anti-virus  .

I assure that , I am give you a mail to you on  best of my knowledge and this is free to all. But on any implementation on my suggestion on your own risk. I  am not responsible and liable for  loss of data or Monterrey loss to you.

leave comment or send mail to

Monday, August 16, 2010

Visual Basic Text Box tips

Some tips you like use in vb text box

(a) In text box all in Capital letter use below

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))
End Sub

Details Description:
First keyascii code convert into character , it is converted into capital letter agin then it is converted into keyascii code.

(b) allow only number in text box

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii))=False then keyascii=0
End Sub

(c) Not allow number in text box like name field
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii))=True then keyascii=0
End Sub

(d) Make a currency text box you can use like this

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If Len(Text1.Text) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If InStr(1, Text1.Text, ".") Then KeyAscii = 0
End Sub

Monday, June 28, 2010

Create shortcut to shutdown and reboot pc

To create a shortcut for shutdown or restart PC .

1. Right Click on desktop

2. Click on New

3. Click on shortcut

4. type in text box   as per  below shutdown with switches are :


shutdown [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy]
No args        Display this message (same as -?)
-i        Display GUI interface, must be the first option
-l        Log off (cannot be used with -m option)
-s        Shutdown the computer
-r        Shutdown and restart the computer
-a        Abort a system shutdown
-m \\computername    Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort
-t xx        Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds
-c "comment"    Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)
-f        Forces running applications to close without warning
-d [u][p]:xx:yy        The reason code for the shutdown

u is the user code
p is a planned shutdown code
xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)
yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)


1. shutdown -r -t00

[restart the pc without delay]

2. shutdown -s -t10

[ shutdown the pc after 10 seconds ]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



  • Peer-to peer networks have become more popular as the software became more reliable and personal computers became more powerful computers became became more powerful.

  • Peer to peer means computer to computer. In a peer to peer network, any computer can access any other computer to which it is connected and has been granted access rights. Essentially, every computer functional as both a server ans a client.

  • Peer to peer network can be as small as two computers, or as large as hundreds of units.

  • They may or may not use a LAN card or netwok interface card. For more then two stations, or when higher data transfer speeds are desired, NICs should be used.

  • Peer to peer network are more common in small offices or whitin a department in a large organization.

  • The advantage of peer to peer network is that you don't have to dedicate a computer to be a file server.

  • Most peer to peer networks allow you to share practically any device attached to any computer.

  • The potential disadvantages  to a peer to peer network are the there is typically less security and less control.



The term Uper Memory Area (UMA ) describe the reserved 384K at the top of the first megabyte of system memory on a PC/XT and the the first megabyte on a AT-type system. This memory has the address from A0000 through FFFFF.

The first 128k after conventional memory is called video RAM. It is reserved for use by video adapter. When text and graphics are displayed on-screen, the elecronics impulses that contain their images. reside in this space. Video RAM is allotted the address range from A0000-BFFFF.

The next 128K is reserved for the adapter BIOS that reside in read-only memory chips on some adapter board plugged into the bus slot. Most VGA-compatible video adapter use the first 32K of this area for their on-board BIOS, The rest can be used by any other adapters installed. Many network adapter also use this area for speacial purpose RAM called Shared Memory. Adapter ROM and special purpose RAM is allotted the address range from C0000-DFFFF.

The last 128K of memory is reserved for mother board BIOS, Whisch is stored in red-only RAM chips or ROM. The POST - Power-on self test and bootstratp loader, which handles your system at bootup until the operating system takes over, alsoreside in this space. MOST systems only use the last 64K of this space, leaving the first 64K or more free for re-mapping with memory managers. Some system also include the CMOS Setu program in this area. The motherboard BIOS is allotted the range from EOOOO-FFFFF

What is base memory / conventional memory

Q . What is base memory or conventional memory ?

The original PC/XT type system was designed to use 1 M of

memory workspace sometimes called RAM . This !m of RAM is divided into

several section. Some of which have uses. DOS can read and write to entire

megabyte, but can manage the loading of program only in the portion of ram

space called conventional memory. which at time the first PC was introduced

was 512k. The other 512K was reserved for use by the system itself, including

the motherboard and adapter  boards plugged into system slot.

IBM decided sfter introducing the system that only 384K was

needs for these reserved uses, and the company began marketing PCs with

640K of user memory. Thus, 640K became the standard for memory that can

be used by dos for running programs, and is often termed the 640K memory

barrier. The remaining memory after 640K was reserved for use by the

graphics board, other adapters, and the mother board ROM BIOS.

What is Memory Bank ?

Q. What is memory bank .

A memory bank is the smallest amount of memory that can be

addressed by processor at one time and usually corresponds to the

data bus width of the processor. Memory chip are organised in a bank

on mother board and memory cards. In order to add memory to

system, it is necessary to know the bank layout.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Laser Printer principal

How Laser Printer work

When we give a print command to printer , print process data is received by printer then laser printer start a print job in a sequence.

1. Printer apply a positive electrical charge to the drum unit.

2. The laser system ‘writes’ the page image onto the drum with a negative charge and creating an electric “virtual negative” of the image.

3.The drum unit rotates, and as the image is written on it, it picks up toner, the laser printer equivalent of ink. The toner is positively charged, and so it sticks to the image that the laser drew. The paper presses against the drum, and receives the toner image.

4.When the paper first picks up the toner, the image is not set. Toner is a dry, dusty material, and it the electric charge cannot hold it strongly to the paper. In order to make the image permanent, the paper runs through the fuser, which heats it, and melts the toner onto the page. The paper exits the printer, and you have your print out.

The Picture image given below clearly show layout to that how a laser printer works is working :


Saturday, May 15, 2010


BIOS :-          BIOS stand for Basic Input Output System. It is the low - level

system software that reside on a Read Only Memory (ROM) chip in the PC.

The BIOS programs is a set of routines for dealing with input / oputput device

such as keyboard, display, disks and serial ports , parallel ports. Programs

can access thess devices by calling the BIOS routines and need not be aware

of differences between machines that could the way input/output is

performed. Thus, BIOS enable various to access the PC's hardware.

PC Motherboard

Motherboard :

The most important component in a PC system ist the motherboard. It

contain the CPU, math proccessorr, system clock, ROM with the system BIOS

routines, RAM , keyboard controller, logic that relates to i/o operation and

much more electronic. All electronics component may not mounted be on a

single motherboard . Instead the may be located on an expansion board or

an adapter card plugged into a slot. Some system use a passive design that

incorporates the entire system circuitry into a single motherboard. The

motherboard is essentially a complete motherboard that is degigned to plug

into a slot. The motherboard concept allows the entire system to be easily

upgraded by changing one or more cards.

A typical motherboard has several options that reflects the

hardware configuration by setting the onboard switches or jumpers. Then

setting is through the SETUP utility and stored in CMOS RAM.

Friday, May 14, 2010


A computer protocols , so called here network protocols define the manner in which communication take place. If one computer sending information to another computer and they both follow the some rules i.e protocol properly, here message pass through, regardless of what types of systems or operating systems they run. As long as the machines have a software that can manage the protocol and compunication are possible.
a computer protocol is a set of rules that coordinates the exchange of information.
Protocol have developed on very siple processes like , I will send you one character, you acknowledge its receipt, and then I send the next character.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

IP Address class

IP Address class

ip - Ip, Internet protocol are used for identify a particular network
device. for better , effeciance use it has been divided into five

classes of available IP ranges:

Class A,
address range : to
no of host : supports 16 million hosts on each of 127 network.

Class B
address range : to
no of host : Support 65000 host on each of 16000 network.

Class C,
address range : to
no of host :Supports 254 hosts on each of 2 million networks.

Class D
address range : to
no of hosts : reservet for multicast groups.

Class E
address range : to
no of hosts : Reserved for future use, or Research and
Development Purposes.

(now a days only A, B and C are commonly used. Each class allows for a range of valid IP addresses)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

RJ-45 standard color code

RJ-45 standard color code
(Pin no . color code - T568BRJ45colocodes)
1. White orange
2. orange
3. white green
4. blue
5. blue white
6 green
7. brown white
8. brown

RJ45 Network Connector Pinout Details

RJ45 Network Connector Pinout Details
pinout details RJ45-ethernet


MS DOS command Internal:

1. Del ---delete a file or all file from current directory.
(example : del xyx.doc , del a*.*, del bc.*)

2. Rd------remove director which is empty.
(examble : rd dirname)

3. cd----change directory
(example : cd\ - go to root directory , cd\dirname - go to dirname direcotory from current directory, cd xxx ---> go to xxx sub-director from current direcotory. )

4. md---- make a directory
(example : c:\>md abx ---> make a director name abx in 'c' drive in root, c:\ws>md data ---> make a direcotry name data in ws direcoty )

5. ver----show the current dos version.

6. copy ----- copy a or many file
( c:\> copy sourcedrive:sourcefile tragetdrive:targetfile )
example 1.
c:\>copy *.* d:\yrd\
(copy all file from c-drive and root directory to d-drive in yrd directory)
example 2.
c:\copy abc.txt xyz.txt
(copy abc.txt file in same directory with name xyz.txt)

7. dir

show all files and directory in list.

8. date
show / change system date.

9. time
show /change system time.

10. cls
clear screen

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Windows XP secrets

Windows XP secrets | Tips key + D
For shows the desktop

2.Windows key + M
for minimizes all open windows.

3.Windows key + Shift + M
for maximizes all open windows.

4.Windows key + E
for Runs Windows Explorer.

5.Windows key + R
for shows the RUN dialog.

6.Windows key + F
for shows Search window.

7.Windows key + Break
for shows System Properties box.

8.Windows key + TAB
for Go through taskbar applications.

9.Windows key + PAUSE
for Display the System Properties dialog box.

10.Windows key + U
for Open Utility Manager.

11. ALT + TAB
for Cycle through opened applications.

12. Hold down CTRL while dragging an item to Copy it.

13. CTRL + ESC
for Display the Start menu.

14. ALT + ENTER View the properties for the selected item.

15. F4 key
for Display the Address bar list in My Computer or

16. NUM LOCK + Asterisk (*)
for Display all of the subfolders that are unnder the selected folder

Linux Configuration command

Linux Configuration command

1. system-config-mouse
(for Changing in mouse configuration)

2. system-config-keyboard
(for Changing in keyboard type , language)

3. system-config-packages
(for add or remove software )

4. fdisk or efdisk
(for partition of hard disk)

5. For GRUB Boot Loder

6 For Lilo Boot loader

7. system-config-network
(for networking , TCP/IP)

8. timeconfig
(Time Zone configuration)

9. useradd OR system-config-users
(for user accounts management)

10. system-config-soundcard
(for sound configuration tools)

11. system-config-display
(For X-windows system)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Java script alert box message box multi line

<script type="text/javascript">
function disp_alert()
alert("How are you ?" + '\n' + "I hope you are fine.");

<input type="button" onclick="disp_alert()" value="Show" />


java script message box

<script type="text/javascript">
function show_alert()
alert("Hi, How r u");

<input type="button" onclick="show_alert()" value="Click Here" />


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Logo Tutorial : Learn LOGO language

Logo Tutorial

logo language

Learn LOGO language

LOGO is a computer programming language used for functional programming

About Logo:
Logo is a language to do draw and limited mathematical calculation. This is manly used to developed commuter interest ,language skill, under stand  in a new computer user / child. This language primary purpose was to teach children to familiar with computer programming.

Logo was developed in the late 1960s at Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., in Cambridge, MA by W. Feurzeig, D. Bobrow and S. Papert.

Language Important command :

cs - clear screen
control +c  to stop a loop process.
bye - exit from logo.

Drawing Commands
The simple Logo drawing commands move the turtle forward and backward and turn it right or left. The commands and their abbreviations are given below:

fd move forward
bk move backward
rt move right
lt move left

No try this :

fd 60 rt 120 fd 60 rt 120 fd 60 rt 120

to save time the above command we will write as

repeat 3 [fd 60 rt 120]

The square brackets indicate that the enclosed commands are to be executed three times.

Logo has a number of other drawing commands, including those shown below.

pu penup

The pendown and penup commands tell the turtle to leave ink on the screen as it moves or not leave ink, respectively.

ht hideturtle
st showturtle

The hideturtle and showturtle commands hide or show the turtle but do not affect its ability to leave ink as it moves.


The home command causes the turtle to return to the center of the screen.


The label command takes a single word as a quoted string (e.g. ``a_string) or a list of words in [] brackets without quotation (e.g. [a string of letters]) and prints them on the graphics window at the location of the turtle. (Try them!)


The command setxy takes two arguments, treats the first as the value of the abscissa (horizontal axis) and the second as a value of the ordinate (vertical axis). It places the turtle at these coordinates, possibly leaving ink as it does so.

Now try and see What kind of figure does the following command sequence produce?

cs pu setxy -60 60 pd home rt 45 fd 85 lt 135 fd 120

Saturday, April 17, 2010

SQL Update query statment

SQL Update query statment
With SQL , The UPDATE function allows you to update a single record or multiple records in a table.

update syntax as is :
UPDATE table1
SET field1 = Value
WHERE field2="XXX";
in above condition filed1 row of table1 will be update with value where field2 value is "XXX".
In update function only one table will be use , if you want to update with multiple table condition then use WHERE EXISTS condition.
Example is :

SET Table1.fieldename1 =
FROM table2
WHERE table2.fieldname2 = table1.fileld2)
( SELECT table2.field2
FROM table2
WHERE table2.field2 = table1.field2);

SQL Find Duplicate Data

This is very interesting SQL query to find exact no of same / Duplicate data in a row of table.

To -Find duplicate value in Field

SELECT Filed1,
COUNT(Field1) AS CountField
FROM table
HAVING ( COUNT(Field1) > 1 )

To -Find field have no duplicate Value

SELECT Filed1,
COUNT(Field1) AS CountField
FROM table
HAVING ( COUNT(Field1) = 1 )

Thursday, April 15, 2010

vista not recognizing usb pen drive

vista not recognizing some usb drive:-

windows vista type in search box *.1 there is one file you find in windows sub directory. Delete as administrator . Now insert and using usb drive .
if you have any other issue leave a comment to get a solution.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Solved regedit disabled by administrator

For enable regedit there are many option , here I am giving some option you can try it .

1st option is:
Click Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc -> User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Prevent access to registry editing tools -> Right Click Properties -> Set it to Not Configured.

2nd option is :
Click Start -> Run. Type this command in Run box and press Ok.
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0

Then a prompt will come up with this question:
Value DisableRegistryTools exists, overwrite (Y/N)?
Type yes and press Enter key

After u did that also type this command in the run box and press then enter key

REG add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0

Then it will also come up with the question:
Value DisableRegistryTools exists, overwrite (Y/N)?
Type yes and then press Enter key.

Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator

"Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" error

When you pres Ctrl+Alt+Del to to open task manager then you may get the following error-"Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" .
This happens if there is restriction in the registry-
DisableTaskMgr value becomes one(1) instead of zero(0)
In XP Professional it may be blocked via the "Local Group Policy" or "Domain Group Policy".


XP Home Edition:-


2]Now navigate to the following location:-
Double click on DisableTaskMgr. If it is not present then Create a new DWORD valued named "DisableTaskMgr"
0 = default, 1 = disable Task Manager. Set the value data zero.

3]Restart computer.

XP Professional:-


2]Double click on Administrative Templates under the User Configuration.

3] Now double click on System. Select Ctrl+Alt+Del options. Double click on it.

4]Select Remove Task Manager. Right click on it and select Properties. If this setting is enabled and users try to start Task Manager, a message appears explaining that a policy prevents the action. So by disabling the policy, you are enabling the Task Manager.( (Click Setting>Select Disabled radio button>Apply/OK)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

BSNL MODEM configuration tips

BSNL MODEM DataOne configuration

1.Login to the ADSL Router using

2.Username and password are ‘admin’ and ‘admin’.

3.WAN connection (0/35) select in bridge mode for dial from connected computer to connect Broad Band.

4. WAN connection (0/35) select in PPPOE mode for Auto connection to broad Band .Computer is not required to connect / dial to connect broad band connection every time. All Computer is connected is able to use / browse internet at same time.

5. If your mode have wireless port or want to enable, go to W-LAN and activate / Enable it.

6. If you using wireless access in broadband then for security reason 1st methode select wep to wep method then use Key in the desired security password. In this option if know any one password is able to use your broad band . 2nd option is in W-LAN use MAC Filter to use it eanble it . Then select Allow , then Add MAC one by one ( To view MAC Address / Physical Address to use ipconfig /all ). In 2nd option your wirell modem / broad band by wireless is access by which PC or Labtop mac id is allowed in mac filter section and the have not require any password to connect your wireless broad band.

You can chose as per your meet requirement.

Monday, February 22, 2010

turn off or on Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows or Windows VISTA

Turn off or on Data Execution Prevention (DEP) for an individual or all program in Windows 7 or Vista

If you need to turn off DEP for a particular program only, Open start menu > Rt click Computer > Properties > Advanced System settings > Performance > Settings > Data Execution Prevention tab

Select the check box next to the program that you want to turn off DEP for, and then click OK.

If the program is not in the list, click Add.

Browse to the Program Files folder, find the .exe file for the program, and then click Open.

To turn on DEP for an individual program:

Clear the check box next to the program that you want to turn on DEP for, and then click OK.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Windows XP Dos Screen Like Windows 98

Go to start Click on run type cmd press enter

press Alt+Enter

type "mode con lines=25 "

run any dos programm like running on DOS PC

Know your PC IP address details

Go to start/run type 'cmd'

then type 'ipconfig'

Add the '/all' switch for more info.

Removing Programs listed in the Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs Section Windows 98

If you remove an installed program and its files by deleting the files, it may still be listed in the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. To remove it from the list:

1. Start the Registry Editor
2. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall
3. Delete the program entry here
4. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows

You can use TweakUI (you can find it on your CD-ROM in the \tools\reskit\powertoy folder) to clear the Add/Remove Programs section.

To remove the "Log Off user" entry from your Start menu

To remove the "Log Off user" entry from your Start menu:

1. Start the Registry Editor
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
3. Right-click an open area in the right pane and select New > DWORD Value
4. Name it NoLogOff
5. Double-click this entry and add the value 1
6. Exit RegEdit and restart Windows

To put "Log Off user" back on the Start menu, simply rename the value to 0.

This can also be done using TweakUI (you can find it on your CD-ROM in the \tools\reskit\powertoy folder).
Click on the IE4 tab, and remove the check mark from the Allow logoff box

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Delete file without sending recycle bin

Delete file without sending recycle bin

To delete a file or a folder of files, select them with and when they are highlighted, press Shift+Delete. Press “Yes” in the confirmation box .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Windows XP Re Install , Repair

Warning : Pl do efforts to get your backup, no resposbilty to any loss of data or software.
Below describe option is best way to recover your system is system is not booting or boot with some error.

1. BIOS Setup change boot order to first boot from cdrom
2. Insert XP CD which version you have all ready installed in your system.
3.When you see
To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.
To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.

To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

4. Press Enter to start the Windows Setup.
(do not press R to "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console")
5. Accept the License Agreement and Windows will search for existing Windows installations.
6. Select the XP installation you want to repair from the list and press R to start the repair.
7. Setup will copy the necessary files to the hard drive and reboot. Do not press any key to boot from CD when the message appears. Setup will continue as if it were doing a clean install, but your applications and settings will remain intact.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

VB Textbox only numeric

write in key press event:
isnumeric(chr(keyascii))=false then keyascii=0

Type of RAM

There are three main types of RAM: SDRAM, DDR and Rambus DRAM.

SDRAM ( Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory ):
Operating voltage is 3.3 volt.
168-pin SDRAM DIMMs.
Speed 133 MHz (PC133) .

DDR (Dynamic Random Access Memory) :
Operating voltage is 2.5 volt.
184 pins in its DIMMs
Speed 166MHz * 2 (aka PC333 / PC2700) or
133MHz*2 (PC266 / PC2100).

Operating voltage is 2.5 volt.
184 pins in its DIMMs
* PC600: 16-bit, single channel RIMM, specified to operate at 300 MHz clock rate, 1200 MB/s bandwidth
* PC700: 16-bit, single channel RIMM, specified to operate at 355 MHz clock rate, 1420 MB/s bandwidth
* PC800: 16-bit, single channel RIMM, specified to operate at 400 MHz clock rate, 1600 MB/s bandwidth
* PC1066 (RIMM 2100): 16-bit, single channel RIMM specified to operate at 533 MHz clock rate, 2133 MB/s bandwidth
* PC1200 (RIMM 2400): 16-bit, single channel RIMM specified to operate at 600 MHz clock rate, 2400 MB/s bandwidth
* RIMM 3200: 32-bit, dual channel RIMM specified to operate at 400 MHz clock rate, 3200 MB/s bandwidth
* RIMM 4200: 32-bit, dual channel RIMM specified to operate at 533 MHz clock rate, 4200 MB/s bandwidth
* RIMM 4800: 32-bit, dual channel RIMM specified to operate at 600 MHz clock rate, 4800 MB/s bandwidth
* RIMM 6400: 32-bit, dual channel RIMM specified to operate at 800 MHz clock rate, 6400 MB/s bandwidth

What is RAM

In Computer RAM, a short form of random access memory. That can be accessed randomly.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!