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Tuesday, May 18, 2010



  • Peer-to peer networks have become more popular as the software became more reliable and personal computers became more powerful computers became became more powerful.

  • Peer to peer means computer to computer. In a peer to peer network, any computer can access any other computer to which it is connected and has been granted access rights. Essentially, every computer functional as both a server ans a client.

  • Peer to peer network can be as small as two computers, or as large as hundreds of units.

  • They may or may not use a LAN card or netwok interface card. For more then two stations, or when higher data transfer speeds are desired, NICs should be used.

  • Peer to peer network are more common in small offices or whitin a department in a large organization.

  • The advantage of peer to peer network is that you don't have to dedicate a computer to be a file server.

  • Most peer to peer networks allow you to share practically any device attached to any computer.

  • The potential disadvantages  to a peer to peer network are the there is typically less security and less control.

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