- Peer-to peer networks have become more popular as the software became more reliable and personal computers became more powerful computers became became more powerful.
- Peer to peer means computer to computer. In a peer to peer network, any computer can access any other computer to which it is connected and has been granted access rights. Essentially, every computer functional as both a server ans a client.
- Peer to peer network can be as small as two computers, or as large as hundreds of units.
- They may or may not use a LAN card or netwok interface card. For more then two stations, or when higher data transfer speeds are desired, NICs should be used.
- Peer to peer network are more common in small offices or whitin a department in a large organization.
- The advantage of peer to peer network is that you don't have to dedicate a computer to be a file server.
- Most peer to peer networks allow you to share practically any device attached to any computer.
- The potential disadvantages to a peer to peer network are the there is typically less security and less control.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The term Uper Memory Area (UMA ) describe the reserved 384K at the top of the first megabyte of system memory on a PC/XT and the the first megabyte on a AT-type system. This memory has the address from A0000 through FFFFF.
The first 128k after conventional memory is called video RAM. It is reserved for use by video adapter. When text and graphics are displayed on-screen, the elecronics impulses that contain their images. reside in this space. Video RAM is allotted the address range from A0000-BFFFF.
The next 128K is reserved for the adapter BIOS that reside in read-only memory chips on some adapter board plugged into the bus slot. Most VGA-compatible video adapter use the first 32K of this area for their on-board BIOS, The rest can be used by any other adapters installed. Many network adapter also use this area for speacial purpose RAM called Shared Memory. Adapter ROM and special purpose RAM is allotted the address range from C0000-DFFFF.
The last 128K of memory is reserved for mother board BIOS, Whisch is stored in red-only RAM chips or ROM. The POST - Power-on self test and bootstratp loader, which handles your system at bootup until the operating system takes over, alsoreside in this space. MOST systems only use the last 64K of this space, leaving the first 64K or more free for re-mapping with memory managers. Some system also include the CMOS Setu program in this area. The motherboard BIOS is allotted the range from EOOOO-FFFFF
What is base memory / conventional memory
The original PC/XT type system was designed to use 1 M of
memory workspace sometimes called RAM . This !m of RAM is divided into
several section. Some of which have uses. DOS can read and write to entire
megabyte, but can manage the loading of program only in the portion of ram
space called conventional memory. which at time the first PC was introduced
was 512k. The other 512K was reserved for use by the system itself, including
the motherboard and adapter boards plugged into system slot.
IBM decided sfter introducing the system that only 384K was
needs for these reserved uses, and the company began marketing PCs with
640K of user memory. Thus, 640K became the standard for memory that can
be used by dos for running programs, and is often termed the 640K memory
barrier. The remaining memory after 640K was reserved for use by the
graphics board, other adapters, and the mother board ROM BIOS.
What is Memory Bank ?
Q. What is memory bank .
A memory bank is the smallest amount of memory that can be
addressed by processor at one time and usually corresponds to the
data bus width of the processor. Memory chip are organised in a bank
on mother board and memory cards. In order to add memory to
system, it is necessary to know the bank layout.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Laser Printer principal
When we give a print command to printer , print process data is received by printer then laser printer start a print job in a sequence.
1. Printer apply a positive electrical charge to the drum unit.
2. The laser system ‘writes’ the page image onto the drum with a negative charge and creating an electric “virtual negative” of the image.
3.The drum unit rotates, and as the image is written on it, it picks up toner, the laser printer equivalent of ink. The toner is positively charged, and so it sticks to the image that the laser drew. The paper presses against the drum, and receives the toner image.
4.When the paper first picks up the toner, the image is not set. Toner is a dry, dusty material, and it the electric charge cannot hold it strongly to the paper. In order to make the image permanent, the paper runs through the fuser, which heats it, and melts the toner onto the page. The paper exits the printer, and you have your print out.
The Picture image given below clearly show layout to that how a laser printer works is working :
Saturday, May 15, 2010
BIOS :- BIOS stand for Basic Input Output System. It is the low - level
system software that reside on a Read Only Memory (ROM) chip in the PC.
The BIOS programs is a set of routines for dealing with input / oputput device
such as keyboard, display, disks and serial ports , parallel ports. Programs
can access thess devices by calling the BIOS routines and need not be aware
of differences between machines that could the way input/output is
performed. Thus, BIOS enable various to access the PC's hardware.
PC Motherboard
The most important component in a PC system ist the motherboard. It
contain the CPU, math proccessorr, system clock, ROM with the system BIOS
routines, RAM , keyboard controller, logic that relates to i/o operation and
much more electronic. All electronics component may not mounted be on a
single motherboard . Instead the may be located on an expansion board or
an adapter card plugged into a slot. Some system use a passive design that
incorporates the entire system circuitry into a single motherboard. The
motherboard is essentially a complete motherboard that is degigned to plug
into a slot. The motherboard concept allows the entire system to be easily
upgraded by changing one or more cards.
A typical motherboard has several options that reflects the
hardware configuration by setting the onboard switches or jumpers. Then
setting is through the SETUP utility and stored in CMOS RAM.
Friday, May 14, 2010
A computer protocols , so called here network protocols define the manner in which communication take place. If one computer sending information to another computer and they both follow the some rules i.e protocol properly, here message pass through, regardless of what types of systems or operating systems they run. As long as the machines have a software that can manage the protocol and compunication are possible.
a computer protocol is a set of rules that coordinates the exchange of information.
Protocol have developed on very siple processes like , I will send you one character, you acknowledge its receipt, and then I send the next character.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
IP Address class
ip - Ip, Internet protocol are used for identify a particular network
device. for better , effeciance use it has been divided into five
classes of available IP ranges:
Class A,
address range : to
no of host : supports 16 million hosts on each of 127 network.
Class B
address range : to
no of host : Support 65000 host on each of 16000 network.
Class C,
address range : to
no of host :Supports 254 hosts on each of 2 million networks.
Class D
address range : to
no of hosts : reservet for multicast groups.
Class E
address range : to
no of hosts : Reserved for future use, or Research and
Development Purposes.
(now a days only A, B and C are commonly used. Each class allows for a range of valid IP addresses)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
RJ-45 standard color code
(Pin no . color code - T568B
1. White orange
2. orange
3. white green
4. blue
5. blue white
6 green
7. brown white
8. brown
1. Del ---delete a file or all file from current directory.
(example : del xyx.doc , del a*.*, del bc.*)
2. Rd------remove director which is empty.
(examble : rd dirname)
3. cd----change directory
(example : cd\ - go to root directory , cd\dirname - go to dirname direcotory from current directory, cd xxx ---> go to xxx sub-director from current direcotory. )
4. md---- make a directory
(example : c:\>md abx ---> make a director name abx in 'c' drive in root, c:\ws>md data ---> make a direcotry name data in ws direcoty )
5. ver----show the current dos version.
6. copy ----- copy a or many file
( c:\> copy sourcedrive:sourcefile tragetdrive:targetfile )
example 1.
c:\>copy *.* d:\yrd\
(copy all file from c-drive and root directory to d-drive in yrd directory)
example 2.
c:\copy abc.txt xyz.txt
(copy abc.txt file in same directory with name xyz.txt)
7. dir
show all files and directory in list.
8. date
show / change system date.
9. time
show /change system time.
10. cls
clear screen
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Windows XP secrets
1.windows key + D
For shows the desktop
2.Windows key + M
for minimizes all open windows.
3.Windows key + Shift + M
for maximizes all open windows.
4.Windows key + E
for Runs Windows Explorer.
5.Windows key + R
for shows the RUN dialog.
6.Windows key + F
for shows Search window.
7.Windows key + Break
for shows System Properties box.
8.Windows key + TAB
for Go through taskbar applications.
9.Windows key + PAUSE
for Display the System Properties dialog box.
10.Windows key + U
for Open Utility Manager.
11. ALT + TAB
for Cycle through opened applications.
12. Hold down CTRL while dragging an item to Copy it.
13. CTRL + ESC
for Display the Start menu.
14. ALT + ENTER View the properties for the selected item.
15. F4 key
for Display the Address bar list in My Computer or
16. NUM LOCK + Asterisk (*)
for Display all of the subfolders that are unnder the selected folder
Linux Configuration command
1. system-config-mouse
(for Changing in mouse configuration)
2. system-config-keyboard
(for Changing in keyboard type , language)
3. system-config-packages
(for add or remove software )
4. fdisk or efdisk
(for partition of hard disk)
5. For GRUB Boot Loder
6 For Lilo Boot loader
7. system-config-network
(for networking , TCP/IP)
8. timeconfig
(Time Zone configuration)
9. useradd OR system-config-users
(for user accounts management)
10. system-config-soundcard
(for sound configuration tools)
11. system-config-display
(For X-windows system)